Recovery Day 12

Wednesday 10th May

I went back to the North Mid yesterday to see the oncologist, the speech therapist and the dietician. I'm doing OK, I still need to eat more.

I won't get another PET scan until three months after treatment and I'm not to expect a full recovery at least six months in, may take a year depending on the individual. 

I am back to eating what I was in about week 4 of treatment, I do still need to use the supplementary shakes until I can properly chew and eat normally though.


  1. "Ok" is a step in the right direction, xx

  2. Have you tried Y foods shakes ? Your body has taken a battering..give it time to recover. Just remember every day from now on gets a day better 😊

    1. More recently - see today's update - I'm able to drink the shakes without pain. Each one is about 350 calories so alongside the porridge and other food I'm eating I'm having 2 or three shakes too

  3. Slow and steady wins the race- important thing is you're continuing to move forward.

    1. Absolutely, I'm not looking too far ahead but small improvements every couple of days are encouraging

  4. No change yet unfortunately


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