Day 28

Wednesday 26th April

Final chemo session today, should be able to have the PICC line removed, if not this week it'll be on Tuesday next week.

Still in the chemo unit chair, mid way through the (last) cisplatin drip, then 1.2l of salt to finish off before radiotherapy later.


  1. Yay! Final day of chemo. xx

  2. Good news, let's hope it's all up hill from here ! Keep smiling Rich.

  3. Thanks Rich, sorry we couldn't catch up at the weekend, hope you're feeling better

    1. Getting there now Mike , spent a night at Morriston Hospital Monday into Tuesday confirmed a bleed from a stomach ulcer had run my blood count down .Interesting experience in more ways than one but on the mend now.Pleased your treatment is coming to an end and hopefully a speedy response recovery 🙏


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